'I'm always looking for the Hows and the Whys and the Whats,' said Muskrat, 'That is why I speak as I do. You've heard of Muskrat's Much-in-Little, of course?'
'No,' said the child. 'What is it?'
- The Mouse and his Child. Russell Hoban.

Go here to find out more.

Friday, 28 December 2007

Post Christmas Clean-up

When I was in the supermarket doing the Christmas shopping last week I bought one of those dusters.  You know, one of those special synthetic cloths that are 'static' and 'magically' pick up dust. It even had a special plastic cover (so it didn't zoom into action when you didn't want it to?) with a little hole so you could "feel the special surface".  When I got home and as I was putting in in the hot water cupboard, I noticed that there were no fewer than five! (count 'em, 5!) others of similar ilk that I had purchased previously.  Why then do I still have such a dusty house!?! 


  1. I'm not familiar with these cloths.

    Do they work (I mean assuming you use them)?

  2. Erm, I think they do...although a piece of old cotton towel dampened with water seems to work just as well!

  3. I, too, have some of those dusters. As for having a dusty house you know who your friends are when one of them tells you that it's about time that you dusted your skirting boards. 'Oh' I replied 'You mean I'm supposed to dust skirting boards every year?'


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