I was awoken a few minutes ago by a familiar light tread, and sure enough, when I peeped out of the kitchen window, sitting on the roof and looking in at me was another of my nocturnal visitors. It was a clear sky after all the rain we've had, and I could clearly see two ears dark against a moonlit sky. I got my camera, set it on flash and pointed in the general direction:
As I sit here in the night's silence writing I can hear a tui outside begin to sing its monotonous territorial call even though there's only a faint lightening of the sky in the east. The first car moves along the road. The wind gently moves the top branches of the oak. Otherwise all is still and quiet. I love this time of day.
The possum is now faintly scritchy-scratchy in the ceiling, going back to bed for the day. Might make myself a cuppa and start mine. At least it's cooler now than it will be later. I could always have a siesta when it gets hot. Still have all the Christmas cards to write, but they will have to wait until I've finished my painting commission. I'm nearly there and I'd show you, but it's meant to be a secret for a while yet.