This is the view from Puriri Place towards Sandspit, just north of Snells Beach. Imagine looking at this each day from your lounge window, as did our friend's friend.
A 131 berth marina is planned for this area in the Matakana River estuary, and a decision if it is to go ahead will probably be made by the environmental court within the next two months.
The new marina would require a large new carpark facility, and extensive dredging of the main channel. The dredgings would probably be used to raise the level of the spit to proof it against climate change sea level rises.
Opponents to the proposal are concerned about the impact of possible fuel and effluent spills on these clear, pristine waters, as well as the noise impact and disturbance on the local shorebird populations.
When we went down there, the existing car park was being used for a high tide roost by variable oystercatchers, pied oystercatchers and caspian terns.

Oh I would *love* to go there. One day!
ReplyDeleteMake it so. :-)