'I'm always looking for the Hows and the Whys and the Whats,' said Muskrat, 'That is why I speak as I do. You've heard of Muskrat's Much-in-Little, of course?'
'No,' said the child. 'What is it?'
- The Mouse and his Child. Russell Hoban.

Go here to find out more.

Friday 15 November 2019

Yellow Things

I am sometimes - rarely - overwhelmed by a desire to order and categorise things... even in messy places like my garden.  Anyone else enjoy organising sometimes just a little bit too much ? 
Here's some photos of yellow things in my album that I tagged 'yellow' ...


  1. I don't consider tagging those things you tagged as 'yellow' over-organising. If it was the only tag I'd regard it as a bit random and not much use if you were looking for a peony (?) or a seed pod. I love having everything categorised and organised. One day I might actually get around to doing it. However with around 100,000 photos in Lightroom alone (ie digital era) I'm unlikely to be around long enough ever to achieve it.

    1. I am so glad there's someone else out there. I guess it's about priorities too. At the moment I really should be doing other things than tagging photos by their colour. Like finishing the tiling in the shower room.

  2. Yes - I think I'm an organizer by nature (which is probably also why I ended up working as a secretary most of my working life). Alas I never really got into the habit of systematically tagging my photos into categories, though... Mostly only by dates, and maybe major events. That's okay when it comes to finding photos from travels for example (as I don't travel all that much) - but is beginning to make it very difficult to find my photos of specific places or buildings or artwork etc in my own city... Or, anything yellow! :)

    1. Thank you for your support in my Wish-for-order life Monica. You have reminded me that my iphoto does order by place and date already... and ... oh goodness, it actually has some categories too! For example, I have just discovered that I have 1425 images with flowers in them! Fantastic.

  3. While looking at the pictures I was playing "Yellow" by Coldplay in my head.

    1. What a delightful song. Thank you for introducing me to it Neil.

  4. I think of yellow as a pale gold, and gold as a rich yellow. Do you know the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by theAmerican poet Robert Frost?

    Nothing Gold Can Stay
    by Robert Frost

    Nature’s first green is gold,
    Her hardest hue to hold.
    Her early leaf's a flower;
    But only so an hour.
    Then leaf subsides to leaf.
    So Eden sank to grief,
    So dawn goes down to day.
    Nothing gold can stay.

    To readers of your blog, Kate, something else that is gold is you.

    1. That's a lovely poem of Frost's - I hadn't seen it. Thank you 'other' Robert. And for the kindest sentiment. Coincidentally I thought of Robert Frost today when I could decide which of two paths to drive down. Although one petered out completely, I had just enough room to turn around and go down the other one. Stopped when it got a bit high in the middle for the car, and started walking. 'The road goes ever on and on ...' (Tolkein). Poppy the dog is now fast asleep after all her exercise. And I was up at 4.30 to pick up a friend from the airport, so I'm going to be VERY soon too,

    2. ... *couldn't* decide ...

  5. Tony's uncle was a great gardener, in fact he was at one time the director of the Melbourne Botanic Gardens. He always said that you had to have yellow in your garden to light it up.

    1. I think that's a lovely sentiment Helsie. I wonder if it applies in the home too?

  6. Ah, now I have read this post before but have only now become aware of the importance. I am restoring a Zephyr class yacht and was wondering about what colour to paint her and decided it would be yellow - I wonder if reading this post of yours was part of the subconscious plot?
    Anyway I love yellow - it's happy and bright and positive and cheerful and reminds me of the sun and summer.
    I heard on the concert programme today the announcer (when introducing the next piece of music) say that whenever he hears a Bassoon sonata or concerto he is convinced that the Bassoon is smiling! That's how I feel about yellow - it's a colour that is always smiling. : >)

  7. I think of yellow as a pale gold, and gold as a rich yellow. Do you know the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by theAmerican poet Robert Frost?thanks


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