A few warm evenings ago this beetle was spotted strolling on the window, attracted to the light inside. As it was difficult to identify from the underside...

I went outside, stood rather unsteadily on the wobbly rocks surrounding the garden under the window, and took a few more shots from out there:
So, what are you, a Lemon Tree Borer? Or a Velvet Eucalypt Longhorn? I looked it up in my trusty Andrew Crowe.

Still not sure of the species, I went outside again and moved in on the wee beastie, trying to get a really clear close-up. So immersed in this activity was I, that

... I didn't notice who was acting the clown on the other side of the ...
What brilliant macros of the Lemon Tree Borer. I think it's so funny that you didn't see J. You are just so focused when you do something. Wish I was.
ReplyDeleteThank you GB. But I think you are too humble.
ReplyDeleteAwe shucks
ReplyDeleteHow funny! You really were concentrating on that bug!
ReplyDeleteThe penultimate shot is just the best.
ReplyDeleteSo have you got a lemon tree in your garden, a eucalyptus tree or both? If one of the trees has been bored you will then know which beetle you were studying. Mind you if I was a male velvet eucalpyt longhorn I would happily take out a female lemon tree borer for lunch or perhaps more. Surely some beetles are of mixed race?
ReplyDeletePat, I was concentrating!
ReplyDeleteYP. We have both in our area or garden. If you were a VEL beetle, you wouldn't be in the slighted bit interested in taking out a female LTB for lunch or anywhere, not even if you were anthropomorphisising the hardest you could!
Hi Katherine,
ReplyDeleteKnowing the flat glass industry well, I could not help noticing that you still have single glass and that with a lot of scratches.
Ben. Ah. Well, the single glass is common in New Zealand, but the scratches pre-date my occupancy here. They date from a chemist who used to live here, who thought the best way to clean windows was to use a very strong chemical, which etched the glass. He then tried to erase the spotty etching by rubbing the glass with an abrasive... sigh.