'I'm always looking for the Hows and the Whys and the Whats,' said Muskrat, 'That is why I speak as I do. You've heard of Muskrat's Much-in-Little, of course?'
'No,' said the child. 'What is it?'
- The Mouse and his Child. Russell Hoban.

Go here to find out more.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Flowering Cherry

Summer's here in the land of the Zeal. But just to back-track a few weeks to spring, I spotted three of these delightful flowering cherries, of all places, in the car park of the Warehouse in Morrinsville. I was newly released from Academic Toil and had time on my hands, so enquired of a staff member out smoking around the back if she knew the name of it. She hadn't even noticed them (how could one not see such gloriousity!?) but directed me to another staff member who had been working there a long time but who, when I asked, also had never seen them. When she had been out to have a look, she announced that she was fairly sure it was a 'blossom tree'. Sigh. Can anyone help? I confess I don't know much about flowering varieties of peaches, plums and cherries, but I'm almost certain it is a double 'flowering' cherry (as opposed to the fruiting varieties).

Friday, 25 November 2011


At my Post-Graduate examination exhibition a few weeks ago, I was pleased to be able to hang my work in a really excellent space in the St Pauls Gallery, Auckland. This was the final configuration, and although not exactly how I had planned, it was OK. After 6 hours of arranging and re-arranging and another headache pending, it was the closest to the average of your suggestions that I could manage. I removed some works and added some others at the last minute!

Images should enlarge if you click them.

There was some lovely natural light available from a window, as well as good directional lighting above:

Here is Martin with the work, to show the scale:

Wednesday, 9 November 2011


This stencil has apparently been seen around the place in New York, on streets and on walls. Sorry, can't find the name of the maker.

But I did find a lot of great work that has been done by the Friends of the Earth in Manchester to promote the benefits of biking over taking the car.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


About fifteen minutes ago I posted online my last assignment. I've been up all night getting it finished and I'm ready for breakfast and bed. I feel as spaced out and as free as this rocket image I took on Nov 5 three nights back.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

The Hunt

Acoustic guitar from Australian Tommy Emmanuel. A reflection of my year just been.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Warning: Shell's 'Fishing Competition'

I like entering competitions.

I bought some petrol and with the receipt they gave me a 'Fishing Licence' with a number. I went on line and played a silly 'fish catching' game and got 8 chances to win 7,ooo bucks worth of groceries. All good so far. They wanted my phone number and address. Hmmm. Ok, then, Greed got the better of me. Then you have to tick the 'I have read the terms and conditions' box.
All the conditions were the usual - about employees of the company not being eligible etc... until I got down to No. 16. I was so gobsmacked at the implications, I just had to share it with you.
I'll just give you a moment to read it. You may have to click on the image if you are hard of seeing like me...

OK. So. What do you think!?

Have I misread it?

It seems to me that if I enter this competition (not even WIN) I 'Waive all rights' (ALL RIGHTS!?) for '..an unlimited period of time...'!!!

Good Lord.

Surely that's not legal?

Additionally, they can 'modify any of these conditions'...' at any time' and not be liable!

Needless to say greed did not drive me to sell my soul to the devil.