'I'm always looking for the Hows and the Whys and the Whats,' said Muskrat, 'That is why I speak as I do. You've heard of Muskrat's Much-in-Little, of course?'
'No,' said the child. 'What is it?'
- The Mouse and his Child. Russell Hoban.

Go here to find out more.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Garden Party Weather

I know (from blogs I've been reading) that almost the whole of the rest of the world is thigh-deep in snow.  So I'd thought I'd bring those poor cold souls some of our sunshine.

I live about 10 minutes from the sea in an area which is known throughout New Zealand to have one of the best surf beaches, and some of the most pleasant climate.

 The image below shows the end third of the Mount Maunganui (Mong-ga-noo-ee) peninsula, with the extinct volcano Mauao ('Caught by the Rays of the Sun') and pine-clad Matakana Island behind.

To the left hand side of the peninsula is a sheltered estuary and these waters are popular for yachting and provide the water views from the city of Tauranga.
The right hand side is the open ocean side and obviously has the surf beach.
The narrow bit between the Mauao volcano and Matakana Island has to be dredged and provides the only access into the busy Tauranga harbour and port for all the container vessels, fishing boats, yachts and huge cruise liners.
Large vessels can only come in and out at high tide.

As you can imagine, it is quite an impressive sight to watch a tall cruise liner negotiate the narrow gap.

 Anyway, back to the sunshine...

About a month after Christmas we usually have our 'Aftermas' party.
This is a sort of 'Come Again Christmas'.  We invite friends and relations, sit in the garden (weather permitting) and talk and drink and eat all afternoon.

I thought I should have a look at the long-range forecast to see if this lovely warm weather we've been having for three weeks already will continue.  Looks like it will!


  1. You are just rubbing it in, now.
    I'll spend the rest of the evening (-15c) looking into flights....

  2. wee--lll, ok, it was rather insensitive of me. Sorry.

  3. Goodie gumdrops! The Great Adventure starts Friday!

  4. Heh. See you soon. Bring your hat and sunscreen.

  5. Boasting about your NZ weather is like rubbing salt in northern hemisphere people's winter wounds. I am surprised at you! But I can outbrag you! Twenty five degrees? Hell it's more than that in Bangkok in the middle of the night! If you want warmth we got some to share!

    1. I know YP. I'm surprised at myself. In my defense I didn't really know and I went online to read the snow news after I'd posted. I really had no idea how extensive it was.

      But I'm also surprised that you would want to brag about being hot and sticky and lethargic and uncomfortable. Give me a range of 15 - 24ºC daily, er... any day.

  6. so what is it you can say about braggerts???{not only is there snow here but - minus12 degree temperatures

    1. Oh that's very cold Putz. My house is not very insulated, it's old and we have no central heating. I'm glad we (my house and I) are not there.

  7. Perfect weather indeed Katherine... and deserving of boasting about too. I'm very envious. The only thing keeping me going is dreams of cooler weather in France in May !!!
    PS. I see we have the same birthday? 22 February ?

    1. Hey hey, hooray for the twenty-tooth of Feb!
      And hooray for France in May. I am going to so enjoy your posts Helsie!

  8. Looks wonderful. We've had it a trifle too warm here over the last 2 weeks..

    1. Actually, I don't know where you are Jules... Not flooded out I hope!

  9. Wow. Such gorgeous views you have. Just beautiful.

    But those 'extinct' volcanoes worry me. The experts like to tell us there's no such thing as 'extinct'. I lost many nights' sleep over that during the year we spent in Auckland!

    Enjoy the sun! And I'll go back to slipping and sliding and freezing my fingers off.

    1. Yes, I forget how many volcanoes Auckland is built on... but the 'hot spots' do travel and I think when a volcano is extinct, you're pretty safe. It's the new one 1.3 km away that you have to worry about... :-)
      Sorry about your fingers Jay...

  10. But, where's Hobbiton? Do you have problems with Hobbits digging up your garden at night?

    (if the 22nd February rumour is true, I must add, for no particular reason, that my wife was born on that date - and a nephew - and a daughter of my 2nd best friend ....)

  11. I must do a post on Hobbiton Brian.
    What another coincidence! Fancy it also being your 2nd best friend's daughter's too! Heh.


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