'I'm always looking for the Hows and the Whys and the Whats,' said Muskrat, 'That is why I speak as I do. You've heard of Muskrat's Much-in-Little, of course?'
'No,' said the child. 'What is it?'
- The Mouse and his Child. Russell Hoban.

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Thursday, 21 November 2013

Present Moment Thought.


  1. I had recently been 'worrying' about not being able to get to the airport, to pick-up Lady Magnon, as some twit had forecast heavy snow. As it happened there was none, so all that worrying was in vain. Eckhart Tolle is RIGHT.

  2. I try not to worry. I rarely succeed. I'll try harder having read this.

  3. I totally agree.... and a delightful image to go with this wise comment.

  4. "Eckhart Tolle is a tosspot who has made his millions through pseudo-psychology" - Yorkshire Pudding

    1. Possibly you think your comment is humourous YP. But it actually comes across as rather unpleasant - perhaps only to me because it's in direct contrast with my bright and sunny early morning. But maybe I'm wrong.
      Whatever, it seems to contain an element of subjective emotional vehemence. Do you have some personal experience of Eckhart Tolle's philosophy that would cause you to feel this way? I'm sure, as a person who achieved such high academic qualifications in the past, you are aware of the need for logical, reasoned and factually supported argument.

    2. Sorry Katherine, my comment wasn't meant to be humorous. I don't think that recipes for living can be condensed into trite one liners by pseudo-scientists/philosophers who themselves have been cushioned from life's harsh realities. Worry is as much a part of the human experience as birth or death. It is necessary and unavoidable. This is to do with gut feelings which certainly do not require logic, reason or factual support and for that matter have no connection to academic qualifications - which Eckhart Tolle seems to specialise in.

    3. Thanks for your reply YP. I now understand where you are coming from. Gut feelings are indisputable by their very nature!
      And I do agree that 'one line' recipes for living have their limitations.
      But they can be immensely useful (as I and many others have found) as personal reminders for larger and valuable understandings.

      I also agree that worry is part of the human experience. But I have proved to myself that it IS avoidable, and, other than an indicator for the need for change or planning, it is unnecessary to the degree commonly experienced.

      Tolle is very popular. He has helped and is helping huge numbers of people to understand themselves and be better, happier, wiser people. I personally find his teachings inspiring, practical, and helpful.

      Incidentally his philosophy of living is based on a combination of his own very 'harsh' experiences which included growing up in bombed post-WW2 Germany, extensive readings including most spiritual philosophies, literature and astronomy; and academic study - since 1977 he has been doing post-doctural research at Cambridge University.

      Eckhart Tolle doesn't consider himself a teacher; rather someone who reveals signposts, and helps people to remove obstacles to what they already know.
      I suppose he might encourage you to investigate your gut feelings even more!

  5. A lovely, peaceful, calming image. Thank you.

  6. People who are worrying in advance are sure always to get the worry. Lovely Picture.

  7. I have several words in sympathy for YP. Several years ago I got Eckhart Tolle’s book “The power of now” as a gift from one of my sons friends. Before we had an in-depth discussion about his future and ambitions and I was surprised by the arguments of the adolescent then. The book was a disappointment. For me it was inaccessible. The language (in the Dutch translation) was drivel and after 42 pages I fell asleep. Also I wondered how someone who only thinks in the “now” can have ambitions to create, change, improve the world etc. I agree though that one should not forget to enjoy the moment. The journey is more often the joy and not necessarily the destination is.

  8. Thanks for your input Ben.

    I also, wondered how one can plan for your future, and learn from the past etc., while living only in the present. Tolle suggests that naturally one needs to do this too. He says how could his books have been written, and lecture appointments be made if he does not? He thinks some people are out of balance, that's all.

    Fictitious example: my previous feelings of nostalgia and regret for the past and fear for what the future might hold was stopping me enjoying the company of my own family around me every day.

    I suggest, that traveling on our particular life-path, we sometimes pick up ideas along the way that we currently find relevant (lacking) in our own. It's hard not to assume everyone else would get just as excited about the same ideas, because they seem so marvelous and inspirational to us.

  9. What an interesting post and comments. I'd never heard of Tolle so I am unable to comment on him or his works nor have I an axe to grind. As it happens, though, I can and will make a comment on the quoted statement. I have not got to the age I am without worrying at times and also seeing what worry does to other people. I actually know people who worry about not having anything to worry about (and that is not a facetious statement but is a true observation).

    Worry is, like regret and bitterness, a destructive, negative emotion which does more harm to the worrier than they will ever achieve for whatever it is they are worrying about.

    Worry may be inevitable for some people but it is also self-indulgent - like so many of our emotions.


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