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Sunday, 22 February 2015

Ours is the Best Beach in New Zealand.

I really should get over to the beach more often. It's only 15 minutes away. Trouble is, in summer it is so crowded over there, and hot, and it's hard to find a park. 
And, well, it's just so lovely and cool and restful at home under the trees, to be honest. And I could always launch one of the kayaks and head up the river for a lovely paddle too.

But I was still delighted to see that Mount Maunganui has been voted Best Beach by Trip Advisor.


  1. What a beautiful beach! There aren't that many people on it!

  2. It's all relative Red. There are only 4.5 million people in the whole of New Zealand, about the population and land area of Oregon. But we have a very very long coastline, about the same length as the whole of the USA. So most of our beaches are very empty!

  3. It looks fantastic. But me too, a 'Best Beach' tag should also mean 'Completely Empty'. The idea of walking for miles along a deserted beach is heaven.

    1. I agree with you Cro. But then that's a bit like a comment my son made when we were caught in a traffic jam one day 'we're not IN traffic Mum, we ARE traffic'.

  4. By 'Ours' you of course mean (Aotearoa - New Zealands) as Tauranga hasn't become a separate country (yet) although they may be expelled from the union because of separatist beach sentiments.

    I agree with Cro Magnon - and wheres the shady Pohutakawas? Looks like the parameters for "Best" involve that tedious old imperative of being close enough to a commercial district so that the tourists can be fleeced - Naaaaah!!!!! actually I've changed my mind - Tauranga can have its Best beach - A real NZ beach is way better than this - of course I say all this in a deeply caring way.

    1. Agreed Alden. I prefer isolation and shade. Our referred to me and my family's closest beach...

  5. Never mind the beach, the views alone are stunning. Enjoying the WC cricket from NZ just now and all the UK commentators are very enthusiastic about NZ and its people.

    1. We have a reputation of being direct and friendly Ian.
      Nice to see you here again btw. Did you know yours was the first blog I ever visited?

  6. The beach at Mount Manganui is wonderful. I've walked it many times as you know. To be honest though I don't think it's anywhere near the most beautiful in New Zealand. I suspect that it gets that accolade on Trip Advisor simply because it gets so many people visiting it and therefore commenting favourably (one couldn't comment any other way) on it. I can think of and post photos of many more which I'm sure even you (as a local resident of the winner) would not disagree with.

    1. Yes, I'm certain that's how these polls work GB. We get a lot of tourist ships in too.
      Btw I am house-sitting back in lovely Ohope in a couple of months!

  7. PS Next time I canoe down your river I'll try not to get wedged under an overhanging tree and tip myself into the river.

  8. Certainly looks lovely. Bet the temperature of the water is pretty cool though ?

    1. Well, compared with Brisbane at about 25 …?
      Raining (yay) and cloudy today but still 22.4ºC water temp. at the beach today. That's not going to keep anyone out!


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