'I'm always looking for the Hows and the Whys and the Whats,' said Muskrat, 'That is why I speak as I do. You've heard of Muskrat's Much-in-Little, of course?'
'No,' said the child. 'What is it?'
- The Mouse and his Child. Russell Hoban.

Go here to find out more.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Eye Candy Day 50


  1. I had a shock when I saw your date above! It's still Saturday 28th here, and I hadn't realised that tomorrow was March. Doesn't time fly!

    1. You guys over there are always behind the times, Cro.

    2. And don't we know it.

  2. Why would you get a shock at her date Cro? He looks like a perfectly symmetrical human being to me.

    I must say that after a lot of musing, deep soul searching and heavy internal personal philosophical debate I had one of those aha, light bulb, insightful, nay eureka moments when the scales fell from my eyes and I was able to see with enormous clarity the reason and purpose for 'Eye Candy' photographs.

    Why should humanity be denied the plenitude of such symmetry, indeed, the veritable handsomeness of such worthy specimens of symmetrical visual certitude?

    Verily, one could pose the question regarding anyone that would voice opposition to such a saintly task as to exactly what planet did he live on? No, no, NO! I will truck no opposition and I won't hear a word against Saint Kate and her generous artistic abundance that she shares with the world!

    P.S If you need to press home the deep artistic point you are making with EYE CANDY DAY 50, that's 50, fifty - phhhfffff --- ttttteeeee. Then just let me know and I will send you many deeply symmetrical photographs. Pah! Eye Candy critics - poltroons, all of them.

    1. I'm so glad you see it from my point of view Alden. You may not believe it, but I drafted this six months ago and advanced dated it. Along with the next ten or so.

  3. Maybe what I have written is an ironic Buddhist parable - or - a Zen Buddhist Koan. There is uuooooodles of truth everywhere - it all depends on ones point of view as you have truthfully pointed out - which is neither a retraction (heaven forbid LOL) nor an endorsement (heaven forbid LOL) of anything written here at all.

    1. Irony. Your use of LOL makes me think of a definition for irony.
      It's a bit like someone writing a sarcastic note to you and ending with LOL, which you misinterpret as Lots Of Love, and you take the note to be a positive one?

  4. Sarcassim hidden amongst the fun and word play of blog commenting is / was the last thing on my mind, I can't even spell the word.

  5. Oh I wasn't thinking of any example here, or actually anywhere Alden. Just the old use of the acronym LOL cf. the new one.

  6. I commend the widening of your eye candy parameters to include very ordinary, average unsymmetrical visages such as moi - But I have to honestly say your original eye candy parameters are a lot easier on the eye - (George Bernard Shaw said, "Be careful what you wish for young man, for surely you shall attain it) - We really do live and learn don't we LOL! ( Perhaps you should swap my photo for one of a symmetrical hippo - it would be a lot more interesting and easier on the eye, but more importantly you would be going for broke spiritually and philosophically by including all sentient beings LOL!


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