Tuesday, 31 January 2012
A Psalm for a Palm.

Monday, 30 January 2012
Dijea's Photo Challenge. #3: Food
Sunday, 29 January 2012

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Friday, 27 January 2012
I can't decide if I would call this 'The Art of Making Bread', 'New-Age Bread-Making', or an 'Art Film' about bread-making.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Tidying the Bookshelf
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Dijea's Photo Challenge. #2

Twins spotted near the Dart River bridge, near Glenorchy, in the South Island of New Zealand*.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Muffin-munchers in my garden

Monday, 23 January 2012
Things in Lettuces

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Saturday, 21 January 2012
Dijea's Photo Challenge. February: B & W
I have taken up the challenge. For the rest of the year, once every two weeks I will post an image that I hope meets Dijea's criteria for the fortnight.

Friday, 20 January 2012
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Grass Waves and Bitterns

Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
The Pudding Visit

Monday, 16 January 2012

Recently a lovely friend of my son's dropped off a load of avocados from his parent's orchard. After spreading them around the neighbourhood, there were still plenty to indulge. I cut one in half, scooped the stone out, filled the stone-hole with mayonnaise, and ate, straight from the shell. Yum. Decadence!
Saturday, 14 January 2012

Everyone I know seems to be buying a gigantic television at the moment. I enter a house I have always felt safe in, and come around the corner and BANG! there's a huge monster lurking, eyeing me balefully with its screen poised to blast out adverts and social manipulation*... or worse still, on, yet ignored, so I can't concentrate on conversations, and reply with statements like "So, when was your new steak-knife born?" etc.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Oiled Penguins from the Rena break-up
Thursday, 12 January 2012
There's Art in Alcohol

Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Tumbling Flower Beetles
Monday, 9 January 2012
Two Landscape paintings, 1936.

Sunday, 8 January 2012
Rena's back is broken

As expected, the Rena split in two in the storm last night.
The ship is being pounded by 6-metres swells and the bad weather is expected to continue for the next three to four days.The forward section of the ship is in its original position on the Astrolabe reef off the Tauranga coast, while the stern has broken away and, while still on the reef, is moving significantly. At the time of writing it is about 30 metres from the bow section.
There are lots of containers downwind (northwest of the Rena) and debris in the water, including bags of milk powder and timber. Debris is likely to reach beaches later today. The maritime exclusion zone around the Rena will probably be increased. Regional Council spokesman Eddie Grogan said although the weather might be great for surfers, they should be aware that there'll be a lot of debris in the water, and to be very careful.
About 1000 tonnes of oil has been removed but some still remains on the ship in hard-to-access pipes and ducting.The National Response Team has been activated to respond to the potential release of oil from the ship and to treat any affected wildlife.
My son, who was involved with the NRT earlier in the saga, stayed the night over near the beach and is on his way home on the bus at the moment. There was a phone call for him a few minutes ago.
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Storm Coming

Friday, 6 January 2012