'I'm always looking for the Hows and the Whys and the Whats,' said Muskrat, 'That is why I speak as I do. You've heard of Muskrat's Much-in-Little, of course?'
'No,' said the child. 'What is it?'
- The Mouse and his Child. Russell Hoban.

Go here to find out more.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Urban dawn

On one side, as the urban moon goes down ...

... I can crouch in the grass at the top of the park and pretend I am back in the country. It's 5.05 am and here I am in the blissful cool of the pre-dawn, watching the sun begin to lighten the sky.  Going to be another scorcher...


  1. Beautiful 2nd photo. It has been raining most of the day here, ( Hertfordshire. UK ) though quite warm ( well…"not cold" ) for the time of year.

  2. What temp in Herts Frances? It'll be 29ºC by 1pm here I expect.

    1. Max temp during the day was about 11c I think. It's nearly 11 pm now and raining and about 7c. Rain forecast for most of the week. More muddy puppy !

  3. Yes, Katherine, another scorcher is on the way down here too. Presumably like the last four days it will end with a thunderstorm to clear the air.

    1. Our scorchers end with either me watering the garden, putting a wet blanket I mean flannel around my neck or going down to the local swimming pool. No rain for ages!

  4. Stay cool Katherine. Thanks for sharing your sunrise this morning.

  5. Yikes! I try to keep my eyes firmly closed at that hour of the morning ! Thanks for the photo so I don't miss out on lovely dawn skies. I'll stick to photographing sunsets !!!!

  6. Sun not up until after 8 a.m. with temps so cold my hair froze. We live in different worlds but still have the same moon.

  7. Thanks for your comments everyone. And thanks also for being too kind to point out my typos and general lack of sense in this post. THAT'S what you get when you get up too early: Nice photos but a sleepy brain.

  8. Eilleen - Your HAIR froze??!! Good gracious. And yes, as the moon went down here, it was rising at your place.

  9. You must have been up early to catch the moon at dawn. Nice one.

    1. Yes Red. And it wasn't very long ago that I realised that the full moon must be always rising and setting as the sun is doing the reverse.

  10. And I thought I was the only person to be up at these crazy hours. Full moon here today, so it's been semi-daylight all night long.

    1. How very strange Cro. It's a full moon down here too. :-) Bursts into John Denver singing "The moon and the stars are the same ones you see, it's the same old sun up in the sky ...."


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